Caste based reservation policy of India

 Caste based reservation policy of India

The wise drafting committee of Indian Constitution drafted the Indian Constitution in 1949. The Constitution of India adopts the feature of reservation. The basic principle behind the adoption of reservation was the Caste system and Untouchability prevailing in India.

Reservation policy of India provides that a certain percentage of seats are to be reserved for particular classes of people like the Schedule Castes (SCs) , Scheduled Tribes (STs), Economically weaker section of the society (EWS) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in government jobs, legislatures, etc.

While framing the Constitution of India, the biggest obstruction in the way of equality and justice was the Caste system prevailing in India. The people of backward classes were much exploited and that hindered the Constitution of India on the way of equality and justice.

So, the idea of reservation came up to affirm the people of backward classes about equality. The Constitution of India provides that no person shall be denied of equality within the territory of India.

The Government of India provides 27% reserved seats to the people belonging to OBC category and a 10% reservation to the Economically weaker sections of India in all India quota scheme for undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses.

The reservation worked out as a great initiative by the government of India to encourage the concept of equality and justice among the people of backward classes in India. Reservation policy helped the people of backward classes to come up and feel the equality given to all by the Indian Constitution.

But at the same time, the reservation policy is highly opposed by the general category of people as the people with backward classes are provided reserved seats without qualification. Some people of general category has to say that this policy of reservation is destroying the sole purpose of what it was meant for. The policy was formulated to support equality and justice in India but they are with a view that it exploits it. The people of general category has to qualify for the jobs and the seats and the people of backward classes get it already reserved for them without the required and sufficient qualifications.

Despite all these opposition from the general class of people, the Constitution of India continues to provide the reservation policy to the people of backward classes. 

The Indian Constitution still has the reservation policy because we believe that -

   "A wise man is one who accepts that there's no greater equality than equal treatment of the unequals"

       - Felix Frankfurter


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