Social groups: Meaning, Role and Status and Impact on personality.

Social groups: Meaning, Role and Status and Impact on personality.

As correctly quoted by the sociologists 

"The life of society has no meaning except as an expression of the lives of individuals." 

The society is the sum of interacting individuals. Being a member of society an individual is divided into various classes and groups on the basis of social parameters like gender, occupation, race, caste, religion, creed, ideology etc. An individual can be a part of many social groups on the basis of shared interests. Society teaches a man to be a man. It its culture and norms that mould an individual and make him desirable to live among the people to his type. Surviving in a group becomes easier because people come together and intetact to meet mutual needs. Therefore its important to be a part of a group and adapt to its norms.

I am part of the following social groups.

1. Primary groups

 Primary groups are the groups where primary relations are dominant. The primary relations involve symphatic contact and direct interactions between group members with some mutual understanding. The group members involve personally in the matters of others.

Role and status:

For example my relationship with my family. My status is the second daughter of family and therefore my role in the family group is loving and understanding my family members. Giving them pyschological comfort and adhering to their lifestyle. I am also expected to get good grades and be a good human according to the norms of society. 

Impact on my personality:

Since my family is close to me, my complete personality is moulded by them. The dressing sense, my mental attitude and the way I think and perceive things.

2. In groups

I identify myself pyschologically with the students in my batch. We share the same maturity level and near to same perceptions on different issues.

Role and status:

Being a member of student group I am expected to understand and support my peers. I can be opinionated and I voice my views freely. We are the youth and can bring about the change in society. 

Impact on my personality:

Living with my peers help me shape my options and understand the world in a better way. I have been learning and growing being a student. I have acquired knowledge over these years and also used it practically to attain my goals.

3. Formal groups: 

As a part of formal group I am a part of Mavericks Club in the college. It is a group based on rules and regulations and the members identify themselves with others. 

Role and status:

As a member of the club I am handleing logistics and content writing elements for the same.

Impact on my personality:

Being a part of a social committee I am learning empathy and developing a helping self. I have acquired leadership and team work skills by the same.

3. Informal group

As a social being I become part of informal groups at various places. Participating in trade affairs and meeting new people in market make me a part of Informal groups. Though there is no significant role and status or its impact on my personality.

4.Ethnic groups

I belong to the ethnic group of Hindus and at a narrower level to the Agrawal Community. I identify myself to these groups because my culture, beliefs and practices are highly influenced by it. I have inherited this from my family and I believe in the Hinduism practices.

Role and status:

I am a mere member of this ethnic group with no significant status. For the rules I have to adhere to their practices and do not the breach of code of conduct as laid in the epics of our community.

5. Formal groups: 

As a part of formal group I am a part of Mavericks Club in the college. It is a group based on rules and regulations and the members identify themselves with others. 

Role and status:

As a member of the club I am handleing logistics and content writing elements for the same. The committee helped me being a diplomatic and develop persuasive nature.

Impact on my personality:

Being a part of a social committee I am learning empathy towards people and developing a helping self. I have acquired leadership and team work skills by the same.


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